Item suggestions:
Standard stats:
Whip - 82 str
Godsword - 132 str
D Scim - 66 str
Flail of ivandis - hits 3x as fast as whip, 250 str
Leaf bladed sword - hits 3x as fast as whip, 200 str
Cat toy - hits 2x as fast as whip, 175 str
Gadder hammer - hits as fast as a godsword, 200 str
Meat tenderizer - hits as fast as a d scim, 150 str
Shadow sword - hits 1.5x as fast as whip, 90 str
Keris - hits 2x as fast as whip, 50 str
Bone spear - hits as fast as whip, 100 str
Chaotic rapier - normal speed, but give it like 120 str
"pure torva"
maybe make it royal?
- requires 1 def
- cheaper than normal torva
- Def stats: 250 slash, 200 crush, -25 magic, 300 range, 10 str, 100 pray
Other Suggestions:
New hp bars
Auto vote
Penguins zone that drops mboxes/ckeys
-would need to add mboxes and ckeys
adjust xp rate even higher
above ground barrows
-if not, make barrows droprate MUCH higher, around 20 chests of just runes
remove roofs